Jerzy Łanuszewski


Jerzy Łanuszewski is a writer, editor, and publisher. He is the co-creator of Giacomo Supernova (with artist Robert Jach) and Rogdena (with artist Joanna Sepek). From 2015 to 2019, along with Barbara Okrasa, he edited the fanzine Warchlaki. His works have been published in many anthologies and fanzines: Rewolucje: Apo­kryfy, Krztonioversum, Sliced Quarterly: Special #4, Brudno, Biceps, Monstw6r, Ziniol and Mutagen Krack le. He debuts with Europe Comics in 2020 with the off-the-wall They Called Him Charles (Timof), with artist Ewa Ciałowicz.

Country of origin: Poland Europe Comics Publisher: Timof (Poland)